Monday, March 24, 2008

Aslan's 2nd Birthday party

Last weekend we had Aslan's birthday party. It was so much fun and I had such a great time planning and preparing. For the last few months I've been planning and picking up things slowly. Also, I have to send a huge Thank You! to my Aunt Becky who generously donated some great party things! Also, my hard working husband and our friends Ben and lindsay who helped us set up. We met Ben and Lindsay when they visited our church a couple of months ago and immediately hit it off. We have been getting together regularly since then and I'm extremely grateful for their willingness to give up a sunday afternoon to help set up my son's party! They are fabulous!

This was the entrance welcome, it was a Cars theme :)

Thanks to my sweet dad for supplying the tires!

This was "Winners Circle"  :) where there were some fun games (on the right) and his "Victory" chair where he opened his presents. Notice the cool 'victory lane' sign my Aunt B sent. Loved it!

This was the "winner's circle" cake with the little cupcake cars surrounding the victory car :) Cheesy yes, but that is the fun of kid's birthday parties! Aslan loved it!
For snacks we also had:
 Luigi's Famous White Wall Tires (chocolate cookies with a ring of white icing)
Radiator Springs One Stop Snacks (Graham crackers w/ chocolate icing & M&M's to look like        traffic lights)
Filmore's Organic Fuel (Water)
This is my favorite picture! We were blowing out his candles, he loved the cake and the candles and was so excited. That made everything totally worth it!

more on next post :)

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Rachel--what a cool party! You are so creative! Can't wait to hear about Abraham's appearance. Anne and the boys were up for Easter and it was so fun to "hunt" for Easter eggs with Titus. He was quite into the whole thing. Love you all, Bonnie.