Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Baby Is Two!

On March 9 my precious boy turned 2. I can hardly believe it has been two years since I first held him. Since the moment he entered this crazy world, he has been a complete joy. It seems impossible that he should be able to run and jump and sing and dance... say "no!", throw temper tantrums and ask the same question 500 times. But as much as I would love to keep him small, I am coming to love all the new things he is doing.

He wraps his arms around my neck and kisses both sides of my cheeks and then plants a big one right on my lips.

When we lay down to take a nap, he kisses my arm as he cuddles up to me. Then he rubs my face so sweetly, just as I do his.

He loves to make me laugh.

When I discipline him, he immediately kisses and hugs me (smart little fellow :)

I love all these sweet things. It makes every tantrum and difficult moment worth it, a thousand times. I wouldn't trade my job for anything in this world! I am so thankful for a husband who works so hard to let me stay home.

The Birthday Cake ( I made this all by myself!)

He loves Cars, so it was a big hit!

Such a big hit, that after he took all the cars of the cake, he didn't care to open any other presents! This is me trying to persuade him to open them. He is clearly uninterested.

Finally he opened one,  the matching monkey spoon, fork and plate were a pretty big hit.

I also found this little drum set on clearance at Walmart for a really, really low price. Such fun!!

We had a great time, just the three of us enjoying his birthday. We had 12 inches of snow outside and a very toasty apartment inside (the only reason for my child being in nothing but a diaper and a t-shirt). So we just lounged around, played in the snow and had a happy birthday kinda day. 


Anonymous said...

Rachel--the cake is quite impressive! Way to go!!! I can't believe Aslan is 2 and you are less than a month from delivering Nadeau boy #2! I hope we can see each other before too long. I'm so happy for all 4 of you!


rebekah said...

happy birthday aslan! and i believe the book is called, how to potty train your child in one day or something similar to that. granted, he'll probably regress once abraham is born. but anything is worth a shot when you're desperate! love y'all!

now a redeemed heir of the ultimate bridegroom said...

Thank you! Actually, we are waiting until Abraham gets here and we are all settled to start trying. I think it would be too much to start now, even though I think he is ready. But I definitely would love to read about it.